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FAQs: Here are a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If you still have questions not located on this list please call or text 513-201-8819

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Click on question to scroll directly to it

(3Day Nonresidential/ 20 Ed Hours: Thurs 5pm-7pm

Friday /Saturday 8-6 & Sunday 9-3

13Hour Substance Use Prevention 

Friday or Saturday 8-6 -Substance Prevention Ed Day & Sunday 9-3

You must pay 14-21 business days prior to your program date to be guaranteed a room. These must be pre-booked by ARC. 
Here are a list of frequently asked questions and answers. If you still have questions not located on this list please call or text 513-201-8819    937-767-0178.

Upon Completion of the program, the referring court will receive a completion report for you (the client), the client receives a receipt, and if you (the client) sign a release for your attorney and provide a fax or email, we will copy the attorney with the completion report. 

What to Expect
Where/ When/ How can I pay?
You can use the 'pay here' button on this website. All private rooms must prepay 10 days prior. 

Where to go at the hotel:When arriving at your program at a hotel, please ask for the conference room and check in with ARC staff.

Conference room
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dont bring

Is there anything I should not bring?
Drugs, Alcohol, Weapons, Open Food, Open Drinks.
Use your best judgement, as we do inspect all luggage upon arrival and will notify you if anything is not allowed.

Cell Phones/ iPad/ Laptop

Cell Phones/ iPads/ Laptops: You may bring your cell phone, iPad, and Laptop; however, these are not allowed to be used during program hours. They are for use in your sleeping rooms at night and at meal time. 

Can I smoke

Can we smoke inside of the hotel?
The hotels that have smoking rooms are the Quality Inn in Chillicothe and Wilmington Inn. All other locations must smoke outside of the hotel; thus you are given smoke breaks throughout the day and evening. E-Cigarette/ Vaping: Please call the office for instructions. 

Can we order food?
Yes, you may have food delivered from a restaurant or Deal-Dash if your site director states it is okay. All food delivery -if allowed- must be done between 5:30-7pm. The hotel store may be used from 12pm-2pm -only if site staff are willing to escort you.
May I bring home cooked food? No. Factory sealed food or restaurant delivered only.

Order Food

*Be advised that sometimes hotels may have room issues, if the room you are in has an issue, just contact on site staff and you will be moved. Hotels sometimes have plumbing problems or other malfunctions, we do the best we can to remedy the situation. A room issue does not initiate a refund.

All of the hotels provide breakfast, usually buffets.
Lunch tends includes sandwiches, soup, salads, chips, fruit, & cookies.

Sharonville, Middletown, Dayton, & Dublin Drury Inns:
Dinner and breakfast buffets (this includes Thursday night).
Fairborn Baymont Inn, Springfield Comfort Suites, & Wilmington Inn
Fairborn & Springfield provide breakfast buffets
Wilmington Inn provides continental breakfast.
Dinner at these location are: Friday night is Pizza & Vegetable tray

Special Diets:
If you are vegetarian, vegan, or prefer special dietary items, please bring these in sealed and new packaging.
ARC provides: Cup-O-Noodles; Cheese Crackers; Chips; and other snacks for free. 


What about my Medications? 
Please bring prescription medication that you need.
Medicatons must be checked in to ARC staff and counted the first night. They also are subject to recount daily. ONLY bring the amount needed for the weekend & in its prescription bottle. If you bring 100's of pills, your medication will b e counted last while you wait in the conference room as they are counted in front of their owner. So please, only bring enough for the weekend.  

Examples of acceptable medication bottles or verification
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Do not bring pill planner with pills without verificaton.
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OAC 5122-29-12 P) Pharmaceutical services:(2) Clients who take prescription medications and/or over-the-counter medications may "self-medicate" at driver intervention programs. Each driver intervention program that permits clients to self-medicate shall have written policies and/or procedures for client self-medication that include, at a minimum, the following:(a) Policy prohibiting clients from having prescription medication in their possession at the program site or while involved in program activities off site, unless required by a physician for medical necessity.(b) Procedures for obtaining and accounting for controlled substances from clients at the time of admission to or upon entering the program and return of same, as appropriate, at the time of discharge/departure.(c) Procedures for storing medications in a locked cabinet.(d) Procedures for reporting theft or loss of over the-counter medications or prescription medication.

What about my Medical Marijuana card? 
Please bring prescription gummy medical marijuana. You will not be allowed to use bud marijuana at the program. Delta 8 is prohibited as well. 

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Examples of Service Dogs

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Service Dogs

Not a Service Dog

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Service Dog:
I have a service dog, may I bring him/her?

We welcome service dogs that are real service dogs, please see below the ADA's definition. 
The ADA states: "Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."

We will need ask two ADA approved questions:
(1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and
(2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?


A true service dog is well behaved and ONLY focused on the individual the animal assists. Because there is a trend for individuals to print fake paperwork, put fake tags on their pet, then attempt to bring their pet to the DIP we must scrutinize a service dogs behavior. Keep in mind, we have a lot of clients in the same room and we must work to assist all clients; thus, if we have an individual with a fake service dog, it places risks to our other clients. If a service dog proves to be a distraction, or acts in a manner not compliant to a service dog, you will be asked to leave the program with no refund.

Can my family or friends visit while at the program? 
Visitors are not allowed. 


Who do I share a room with? Males are roomed with males and females with females. 

Drury Inn Dayton, Dublin, Grove City, Polaris, & Findlay

Drury Inn Sharonville, Mason, & Middletown

Quality Inn, Chillicothe

Springfield Comfort Suites

Wilmington Inn

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Sleeping Rooms

Shared Rooms: Shared Rooms are 2-3 people to a room because the room is a suite and the couch has a pull out bed. Also, if the hotel is full and you are a reduced fee client, you may be placed on a rollaway bed.  

Double Rooms: Almost all of our locations have double sleeping rooms versus suites, these rooms are assigned two clients to a room. If the hotel is over booked, rarely we have to use a hotel roll-away bed (which are very comfortable).  

Private Rooms: Private rooms are available at an additional fee. Private rooms must be paid for in advance.
Private Rooms may be a private sleeping room with one bed or two beds. 

Private, Double, & Shared Rooms
Stuff dropped off

Can I have stuff dropped off? Yes, you can have small items dropped at the front desk to include clothing, sealed cigarettes, or cash. Before they drop these items off they should let you know. Also, the items should be in a bag that has your name on it. All items dropped for you while you are at the program are subject to search by ARC staff. 

$50 for Remedial Points

Please bring extra $100 for the remedial points if you choose to sign up for the credit.
When you are arrested for a substance use associated driving offense like OVI, Reckless Operation, or Physical Control. 

Arrival and Departure Time
72 & 48 Hour Course Schedule

2021 ARC 72/ 48 hour Driver Intervention Program Course Schedule
(Note some films maybe changed out for similar films in situations where we need closed captioning for a hearing impaired client or in a different language. The point and info conveyed in the film will remain consistent.)

3-5:30pm    Check in, Check Temperature, Intake, and Luggage Search
5:30-8pm    Rules, Client Rights, Confidentiality, File Completion, Escort to Rooms

Friday/Saturday depending on location

Substance Abuse & Addiction
(Overnight clients: 
6:30am  Wake up Calls- Breakfast 7:30 )

8:00am Intervention Allyson (Polysubstance Addiction) (45 Minutes)
9:00am Addiction Lecture –Defining Addiction, Signs & Symptoms PPT (60 Minutes)
10:00am Small Group Activity (1:15) begin with- Jury Trial Exercise
11:00am Small Group Activity (1:15) Consequences of Use, Adding it Up
12-12:45pm Lunch
12:45-5pm Small Group (1:15) Activity Story of Arrest
5:00pm Intervention- Gabe & Vanessa / Discussion (Gambling & Dual Diagnosis)
6pm Dinner
6:30pm Meth-Amphetamine the World’s Most Dangerous Drug (45 Minutes)
7:30pm Day Complete

Friday/Saturday depending on location
8 Hour Remedial -Traffic Safety/ OVI Law/ Impaired Driving
(Overnight clients: 6:30am  Wake up Calls- Breakfast 7:30 )
8am-6pm  Course Review – DUI Dead - Look up License with class
Workbook Completion Topics: Before You Go; Essentials: On the Road; Putting It All Together; Further Analysis; Alcohol, Drugs, & Aggressive Driving
12:15pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:30 The Ohio OVI Law/ Legal Lecture (PPT) and discussion
2:30 Alcohol, Drugs, Driving and You (PPT) and discussion
3:30 Complete BMV Distracted Driving Course (if there is time)(Film options:15 Defensive Driving Tips (8 Minutes); The Last Text (8 Minutes); How You Look Drunk (40 Min)
4:30 Complete Traffic Safety Test/ Review  & Grade
5:15 How You Look Drunk? (DVD)
6pm Release (for walk-in clients)

6:40pm Marijuana Nation (45 min)

7:30PM Day Complete  

Sunday – Program Review, Pharmaceuticals, AA Speaker, Action Plans
7:30am   Wake up calls; Room Clean out
9:00am   American Addict (90 Min); Action Plan, Treatment & Self-Help;
AA Speaker, Surveys & Jeopardy
12:15-1pm Lunch

3-4:00pm  Dismissal, all car keys and medications returned.

*Breaks are given every 60-90 minutes, Lunch 12:30-1:15, Dinner 6-6:45
** Screenings, Evaluations, and Assessments are completed from 8am-10pm

13Hr Intervention Program
5:30pm       Sign in for your class
5:30-7pm    Complete file, Rules, Client Rights, Confidentiality

Saturday - Alcoholism & Addiction
8:00am Intervention Allyson (Polysubstance Addiction) (45 Minutes)
9:00am Addiction Lecture –Defining Addiction, Signs & Symptoms PPT (60 Minutes)
10:00am Small Group Activity (1:15) begin with- Jury Trial Exercise
11:00am Small Group Activity (1:15) Consequences of Use, Adding it Up
12-12:45pm Lunch
12:45-5pm Small Group (1:15) Activity Story of Arrest
5:00pm Intervention- Gabe & Vanessa / Discussion (Gambling & Dual Diagnosis)
6pm Dinner
6:30pm Meth-Amphetamine the World’s Most Dangerous Drug (45 Minutes)
7:30pm Day Complete 


8Hr Intervention Program
Friday – 8 Hour Remedial - Traffic Safety/ OVI Law/ Impaired Driving
8am-6pm  Course Review – DUI Dead - Look up License with class
Workbook Completion Topics: Before You Go; Essentials: On the Road; Putting It All Together; Further Analysis; Alcohol, Drugs, & Aggressive Driving
12:15pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:30 The Ohio OVI Law/ Legal Lecture (PPT) and discussion
2:30 Alcohol, Drugs, Driving and You (PPT) and discussion
3:30 Complete BMV Distracted Driving Course (if there is time)
(Film options:15 Defensive Driving Tips (8 Minutes); The Last Text (8 Minutes); How You Look Drunk (40 Min)
4:30 Complete Traffic Safety Test/ Review  & Grade
5:15 How You Look Drunk? (DVD)
6pm Release

Be advised that the ARC-ip DIP is a court-ordered diversion program - you must be referred by a court post offense or an attorney post offense. Appropriate completion documentation will be sent to your court and/or attorney only. You will get a receipt at the end of the program to use as needed. 

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